AICS Champions Equity……
……and not just Equality

Upcoming Events

Do you know the following services are available to seniors? in Fairfax County? For more details email AICS at

Our Mission

Asian American Inter Community Service (AICS), a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization is dedicated to the health and well-being of the communities around us with a preferential focus on the under-served and hard-to-reach population segments. Our Mission is to provide people with Awareness, Education and Knowledge – our three pillars of community service. We strive to build up communities sufficiently aware and knowledgeable to develop abilities to prevent and manage diseases thus building up healthy and robust communities.The under-served and the hard-to-reach communities of different ethnic origins have barriers toaccess to health care and health education due to linguistic challenges, economic status,education level, mental health, and sexual orientation, access to social media or by the geographical region of their residence.

A New Approach To
Health & Wellness

Mental Health
Education Videos


Heart Disease in the United States

Diabetes Self-Management Program

Our Vision

AICS strives to build a level of well-being in the surrounding population which possesses a rich diversity and have a common sense of identity where people socially interact without the barrier of prejudice, transcending the reach of equality to promote equity and reduce disparities in access to well-being.


Our Goals

A cornerstone of our activities is the exploitation of human experience which encourages accepting others who may look, learn, or behave differently from what is familiar to them. This living-life experience is an asset which will lead to positive outcomes embodied in promotion of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and reduction of disparities in the under-served population. The goals are accomplished through a set of health and wellness programs focused on disease prevention, empowering the individual to self-manage chronic diseases, ensuring everyone in the community is covered by health insurance, mental health and senior’s issues, prevention of HIV, immigration issues, etc.

The expected outcomes are an improved quality of life, equity in mental health, reduction in hospital and ER visits, reduction in medical costs, improved social interaction and work-performance and an equitable aging with dignity.

Join Us in the path
to good health
& Life